Late Christmas Cards

Lord, I love how I can go to the mailbox the days after Christmas and still be delightfully surprised with Christmas cards. I had an early therapy appointment that had left me so depressed, so I am glad you had me check that box. What a very welcomed greeting of love and encouragement from a dear church family friend.


I even had one from my dietician coach (or at least the program), but it was still a pick me up regardless. It made me think on my coach and smile.


And a card from a missionary family that I cannot mention by name, nor where they are serving. The fact that they took time out of such busy and dangerous times to send a greeting… just overwhelms me and convicts me in a way I cannot describe.


My Spirit had really been crushed at the blow of reality and it’s unrelenting smack in the face. Being suckered punched by life can easily dowse the Christmas Spirit when we allow ourselves to be distracted. Having to accept more and more limitation and changes is a fact of life. My church friend, my dietician team, and my precious missionary friend have their own daily lives. But they picked up a card, wrote my name along with a quick note, sealed it, stamped it, and mailed it.

This may not mean any thing to some people, but it made my day! Feel free to keep’em coming! 🙂 Hear a prayer from my heart to Yours for each one to be safe, blessed, and loved on. Thank you for allowing these cards to arrive in your perfect timing.

8 thoughts on “Late Christmas Cards

    1. He is so kind and touching… as He is now through your message. 😉 How wonderful the world would be if we continued the showers of kindnesses to one another. God is generous to allow even the thought. ❤


  1. I’m sorry your therapy appt left you drained & quite down, so it’s wonderful you had some lovely late post to look forward to! I was hoping I’d get an extra Christmas card as I only received one this year, but alas all I got in the mail was a hospital appointment! Still doesn’t stop me from looking forward to the postman arriving though 🙂
    I hope you are doing better since your therapy and that you have a lovely weekend.
    Caz xx

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    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Caz. I’m sorry about your hospital appt. I hope it wasn’t anything too horrible and that you are ok. I will gladly send you a post… even just to let you know you are thought of and prayed for if you will email me your mailing address.
      I am doing better. Just more decisions to make and accept. I am sure you very well understand. Hoping your weekend it is lovely too! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aw that is so incredibly kind of you to offer, thank you (but of course I can’t let you do that)! I hope that whatever is happening, you are doing okay, and please know that I’m always here if ever you want to drop me an email to talk. Wishing you a lovely weekend and NYE 🙂
        Caz xx

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