“NEW” Series, #6 The Entertainer Blogger Award 1.22.18

The Entertainer Blogger Award! Lord, You have given me yet ANOTHER BRAND NEW AWARD!! 🙂 You amaze me! Daze me! And make life so delightfully Cray-zay! 😉 Even You delight in giving Your people joy! And oh boy! Do I ever love this part of our story!
I always tell people in the middle of a crisis or hardship, “That’s just God keeping us entertained. He loves to keep things adventurous for us. Don’t ever tell Him you’re bored!” 😉 LOL

It also makes me think of Your word that tells us,
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: 
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
 – Hebrews 13:10 KJV

43412bd5-36d1-43a6-9806-789ed6db922bThank you, Lovely Anita! For the nomination of The Entertainer Blogger Award! I can absolutely see why these awards first come your way over on Discovering Your Happiness! Entertaining is bringing happiness… joy… encouragement… and this you do with the love the Lord sends your way first! Even those hardships you have endured are like the great tragedies or intense dramas that either give the viewer their much needed escape, or the very resource of validation and comforting reality that they are not alone, and certainly not forgotten. Instead they find the friend with a lending ear, the much needed wisdom, the sympathetic tenderness, or the online life coach that allows one to glean from the screen. All of this from pouring your own heart out on your keyboard. And then… awards come. 🙂

Those who are grateful for your honest journey send a thank you… and a smile! I thank you for sharing your special treasures. I know I praise the Lord a lot for you because He first uses you to pour so much of that encouragement into me! It’s hard sometimes for others to remember or even know that I too struggle with anxiety and the darkness of depression, as you well know from the earlier posts in the self care challenge. It can be hard for me to be personal. So I keep my focus on keeping it all about Him.

The Lord always seems to know when to whisper in my ear, “I love your heart, and your faithful praises. But now they need to hear what I have done for you. That’s what a testimony is. Then He whispers in your ear! ❤ And I get to do my favorite thing…. give to others… the same love that God pours out on you and me!
Having said that… onto the questions and nominations! 🙂 The word entertainer easily makes me think on many of our friends! Me and God love you! ❤

The Rules:
Thank the person who nominated you (add a link to their blog)
Add the rules, so others can follow
Answer the questions that have been asked
Nominate a handful of entertaining bloggers
Display the photo also in your blog

Hayley, God uses your music to allow me to linger in His Holy presence. Exactly where I want to be! 🙂 “Know Me” is still my favorite! ❤

Frank, Your poetry can be such a playful story… quite amusing.

Anthoni, I love visiting “Dwayne’s Diner” and “All Cheerful and Rosie.” They’re so funny! But of course KEB and her brother will always be my favorites! Children usually are! ❤

Caralyn, I love just spending a day with you. There’s always something going on… and it comes with pictures. I can’t wait to see the ones on the upcoming wedding in India!

Stephen and Fionnuala, You and the family are far more entertaining than current family programs. I love reading about your genuine faith along the way. Faults and all!

Lene, I love your straight up humor, and your sharing your life in Japan with us. I loved all the pics from Grandpa’s visit. I can’t wait to see how things turn out for Joy and Liz!

Paleeza,, I appreciate your including us in your new life of marriage, while still working on finishing up your degree in Psychology, yet being vulnerable and honest enough to share your struggles with your anxiety. You have such a fun personality! Loved the sweaters!

Caz, You probably have no idea how much of an encouragement you are to me. Your honesty, your attitude, your determination despite all the challenges. Trust me. I glean! God never promised a perfect life, a peaceful life, or even what we would call a decent life, but He does promise is His presence and His love. Even perfect health could never provide what those two promises alone do! ❤ Thank you for just being you!

Elan, Your photography is stunning! Of all of the photography pages on WordPress, yours is my favorite! ❤ I love to just browse what God has gifted you!

Lize, I love the combination of your beautiful artwork and haikus!

Sayer, How patient you have been with me to constantly share such kind words despite the fact that I mistyped your site name more than once, for so long before I noticed. You never said anything or got mad! How forgiving! I love your passion for your quills, inks, papers, stories, community. Lord willing, your faith in a pen being able to improve my penmanship leaves me hopeful!

Andrea, I love keeping up with what’s going with your class, you and the hubby, and all of that wonderful wit and wisdom!

Karen! How you make me smile! You are named perfectly! Of course I am nominating you!! 🙂 I love hearing about your kiddos, and your family as well.

Paula, I love trying to read as much of your page in your language first to see how far I get. Thanks for introducing me to the translator widget. I use it for anyone visiting my page. And thank you for introducing me to the flying story. 

Joseph, Oh my what a vocabulary you have!! Table 41 is so entertaining! You’re the 1st one that I thought of with the word entertainer! I’m looking forward to Table 41 being printed to read at home with my son. He loves acting out on or cutting up with each descriptive word in a story. It will be so much fun! I wish you had it available as an audio file!

There are so many more of you! I haven’t even got to the faith based, staying in the word studying, sharing verses ones. But that’s because I do those more often… and will again! I am actually loving thanking each of you, so I will continue in future posts… without leaving homework. 😉

So… the 5 questions we will share briefly. You can either answer them also, skip, or even post below in comments as some do, picking what you would like to answer. Sorry for making this one so long. It’s FAR from entertaining, but well deserved for each one to be thanked and encouraged to know that God has gifted you, uses you, and loves you!

The 10 Questions:
To spend some alone time talking with God (before I went public)

The Holy Bible! ❤

Disappointing my Jesus 😦

A Dairy Queen Blizzard (I love when they flip it upside down!) 🙂

Reading God’s word and listening to sermons

Congratulations on your Entertainer Blogger Award!
You make me and God smile! 🙂

16 thoughts on ““NEW” Series, #6 The Entertainer Blogger Award 1.22.18

  1. Congratulations on the award – I’m going to have to check Google for a photo of a Dairy Queen Blizzard as I’ve no idea what one of those is (I’m thinking some kind of huge and delicious ice-cream, but how it can be flipped upside down I’ve no idea!)
    Thank you so much for your kind words with your nomination. I’ve had a difficult few days and emotionally have been feeling totally worn down – this has made me smile and made me feel encouraged, so thank you.
    I take my hat off to you too for your positivity and energy, you brighten everyone’s day when we all read your posts, Gail 🙂
    Caz x

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    1. PTL! Thank you, Caz! You are right! A blizzard is an ice cream! I thought the same thing. I almost had a heart attack the first they ever flipped mine upside down! I didn’t want them to waste one precious drop. 😉 lol. They don’t warn you. It’s meant to be a surprise and to prove it’s thick enough to do it, not a runny dab of milk.
      I meant every word of my thank you to you! I praise God for any moment He allowed it to bless you! Especially when feeling so bad! I hate you do at all.
      You have made my day with that testimony! Bringing smiles to others and then my precious Jesus! ❤ That's what life is all about! ❤ Me and God love you!

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  2. I kid you not Gail, you never cease to make me smile!!! I was just beaming when you were talking about all the bloggers. It made me so happy to read all the wonderful things you said about each one of them, and some of them I don’t even know AND it STILL made me happy LOL. God bless you Gail for sharing His love. I have met half of them, and will enjoy meeting the other half! Oh, and congratulations on your award!! God bless you 🙂

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    1. God is so good to provide so many opportunities to give! To encourage! To thank! How delightful to know it gave you a smile too! 🙂 Each one of these bloggers are truly gifted and uplifting, even in just being who God made them to be! And God has used Anita as an online life coach for me in so many ways. She is my Croatian Australian sister in Christ! ❤
      Thank you! God loves you!

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  3. Gail, you have always been very nice to me. I remember things like that — nice things that people do for me. The fact that you find TABLE 41 entertaining fills me with hope that it can reach a mass-audience. I always knew this, but you reinforced my hopefulness and my hopeful impressions. Thank you.


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