Bloggers Support Bloggers Award 5.26.18

“I have shewed you all things,
how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak,
and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said,
It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
– Acts 20:35 KJV

What an amazing way to surprise me, to honor those who honor You, to encourage those bloggers to continue in the platforms You have given them, so that most of all those who are weak and/or without You can continue to (or for some begin to) receive the support You provide through so many who are out there blogging to share Your love!


Thank you, Margaret, for your kindness in nominating me for the Bloggers Support Bloggers Award! It is such a blessing to see God honored all over your blog with His Word! Hence the name of your blog… The Word. God always seems to give you exactly what He knows will be needed that day! I am surely enriched by it!

The Rules:

  1. Thank the one who has tagged you for this challenge and link their blogsite.
  2. Add the official photo in your page.
  3. List at least 5 bloggers you like. (Suggestion: You can list up 3 bloggers that you’ve known for a long time and you can also list up 2 newbies or more. It’s up to you though!)
  4. In 5 sentences or above, give a short description about why you love the blogger.
  5. Tag at least 3 bloggers to do the challenge.
  6. Put #bloggerssupportbloggers in the Tags section so whenever a blogger is looking for new blogs to read, it will be easier to find!

Blogs I Like:
This will be so hard because I like so many! I follow over 300! 🙂 So I will tell of more than 5. Some are award and tag free but are based on supporting and helping others. 

These sites are based on providing/offering support to anyone who contacts them. Their posts are meant to provide awareness, educate, comfort, motivate, provide advice, and so many different things. Their web sites are worth checking into! I keep up with them as often as the Lord will allow! This is a recognition, not a nomination. No homework. 😉
Thriving Under Pressure
Soul Searching
Romy Ras Certified Life Coach
Moonlight Psychology
Make It Ultra
Navigate My Recovery
Damon Ashworth Psychology
Deliberately Better Sleep Retreats
Inkblots and Icebergs
Matthew Winters (Comeback Pastor)
Pastor Unlikely
Something to Stu Over
The Abuse Expose With Secret Angel
Loft Forum (Living Our Faith Together)
Free the Anger
The Graced Citizen
Beauty Beyond Bones

The nominees are just as supportive, passionate about reaching out to others, are very active in doing so. I chose them as nominees because I knew they would keep the sharing going!
** If you’re certain you did not see this note earlier, you’re right. I fell asleep before I properly finished. I type and click in my sleep. That’s when I know to shut her down. But I want you to know how supportive the nominees are as well!**

The Nominees:
Discovering Your Happiness
Alethea’s Mind
God’s Anointed Princess
Sim’s Jollies & Jaunts
The Believer’s Triumph

39 thoughts on “Bloggers Support Bloggers Award 5.26.18

  1. Congratulations Gail. Now, this is truly a wonderful award. A gift the Lord has truly blessed you in…supporting others. As I just commented on your other post about how your support has meant to me.

    Thank you for acknowledging my blog, though I feel my latest post will more than likely scare some folks away. I just couldn’t hold in the memories any longer 😦

    Liked by 3 people

    1. God is so creative in His ways to spread His love and message! I am so grateful and humbled He would allow me to be a part of His Holy will in any way. Your testimony and ministry is very needed for millions of men AND women, of ALL ages! Misused discretion makes so much of it possible, and only keeps the victims and/or addicts trapped in misery! I know it’s hard to talk about it out loud. I feel the same way with the part of my poetry that shows part of my testimony. But God is so good to reassure me through the supportive comments of others. That’s why I also agree with this being a wonderful Award! Support can mean so much to the one receiving it! Even life saving! God supports through many faces!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, it is tough at times. And yet, at the same time, if I am NOT honest about my story then I could not help anyone. It hurts being brutally honest. But, praise God I can tell these men this is how I overcame this issue or that one.

        For years I tried doing this blogging thing on my own and felt like I was going nowhere. That is until I reached out and supporting other bloggers, who intunr encouraged me.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes you have supported me in more ways than one. And I’m very grateful for the challenge. Funny enough, your blog is the first one I started on when I was lead to reach out to others. Thanks to my sister Tamie, and to the awesome God, they both led me to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a beautiful God we serve that allows us to be of any comfort to another, especially a dear friend, before we even know we’re friends (family in Christ), and when we are blessed to enjoy that sweet fellowship. You and Tamie both are such dear friends, Sisters in Christ! Praise our loving Father! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for your kind words about the blog :):) I was like you, I couldn’t just list a few blogs. There are so many good ones out there, and I know I left people out. I can’t wait to start checking out the blogs you listed, AND your nominees blogs that I don’t know :):) LORD, thank You for blessing Gail :):)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. God did my heart so good to see your post on the Bloggers Support Bloggers Award that you received. I know you normally simply tell anyone who wants to participate to consider themselves nominated, but to see God just turn on a fountain of others was so incredible. I felt so blessed just to read it because I could see what God was doing in your heart.
      I know what you mean about hating to leave others out. I felt the same way! I even meant to add a note about the nominees being just as supportive but that I knew they would keep the sharing going, but I fell asleep. I think I will still add that note.
      Enjoy your journey on your WordPress visitations. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

        1. It feels so much like one of those moments in church where He allows two people to keep blessing one another with every word they say so much that you just end up in tears, smiles, and hugs… all at the same time!. ❤
          This is the only way I know to do hugs on computer icons )))hugs!((((

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Thankyou very much for this😊.
    I feel like 99% WordPress bloggers are handpicked for their selfless qualities.
    I just saw this now and didn’t receive a pingback.
    I really appreciate and would get to it as soon as I can.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. PTL! God is so good to have so many wonderful souls! He shows Himself through others in so many unique ways.
      I’m actually working on the pingbacks/notifications right now. I have had a horrible problem with sleeping my life way day and night right now. My doctors are trying to help me. Sorry. I am almost through with notifying those mentioned on the top.
      Take all the time you need. I know you have a lot going on right now. Praying for you!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow. Awesome posting. Thank you so much for the recognition in the Bloggers Support Bloggers Award. There are so many inspirational bloggers out there and I am truly humbled by you listing my blog. We serve such an awesome God. He uses so many of us to touch hearts that have been broken. I pray that He will continue to use each blog that you listed to share His messages and touch hearts. May He bless you exceedingly and abundantly. Thanks again!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Bloggers Support Bloggers Award – The Believer's Triumph

  7. Pingback: Praise the Lord for 500 Followers on gaillovesgod – gaillovesgod

  8. Hi there! Hope your doing well. It seem ages since you send me this. So sorry for not answering you to your comment in my blog. I´ve been working on other things these last years. And I am again with my blog: please feel free to visit it again. Hope you are doing great! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Praise God! It is good to hear from you, Paula! 🙂 I am blessed, thank you.
      Don’t worry. I understand. I had health problems that have made it challenging to even be awake, let alone keep up online. I am grateful for merciful friends.
      I’ll be sure to check out your site to see what’s new. I pray you are doing well and staying safe during these times. God loves you, Paula! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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