Light of the World Award 5.25.18

Oh, Light of the World! How lovingly tender and personal You always are to me! In a world that gets so dark that my mind begs to go to sleep to escape, You faithfully send You whispers of love, and boldly shine Your Light of Love into my day. Brooke was one of those strong rays of Your shining Light when You allowed her to nominate me for the Light of the World Award. You already touch my soul with her motherly love for her precious little ones, her generous love in sharing with others, and her passionate love for You each time I visit her blog Noes to Knows. I loved reading You being so personal for Brooke on her journey from Labor to the Police Academy. Tonight, You allowed her to pass on a personal note to me from You in this nomination! A light still shines from the Light of the World into this blog You have given to me and You! And this will allow You to use me to shine Your Light to others.

Thank you, Brooke, for allowing God to use you to shine a little of His Light my way, and to those who will pass by as they read, or receive a nomination to keep sharing the Light through their blogs! ❤ Me and God love you!


Light of the World Award Rules:

  1. Save and add one of the award images on your blog. (Here is the link for the award post with images and rules of award.)
  2. Create a page/post to mention the award nomination and thank the person/blog that nominated you. Make sure you provide a link to their site.
  3. Give credit to the creator of the award (Lighthouse Devotions) and provide a link to the site as well.  (
  4. List the rules.
  5. Answer the next four questions on the same post:
    1. What three words would you use to describe your blog?
    2. In what way(s) can a Christian shine for Christ?
    3. What bible verse (quote it) talks about being a light in a dark and lost world?
    4. What Christian song do you know that has the word “light” in it? Provide a link if available.
  6. Nominate 7 or more people/blogs to receive the award. Briefly explain why you think they should receive it and provide a link to their sites.
  7. Contact them and let them know that you nominated them.
  8. Provide them with a link to the Rules page.
  9. Say a prayer thanking God for His light and ask that He continue to shine it through you and your blog.
  10. Keep shining the light of Christ wherever you go and in whatever you do!

Answering the 4 Questions:

  1. What three words describe you best?

    God’s, Christian, Writer

  2. In what way(s) can a Christian shine for Christ?

    In whatever way God asks, leads, or gifts… just to name a few. If it is allowing His light into their own life, and then pouring rays of light into the lives of others, then no one will be able to hide or mistake the glorious light shining from the Light of the World Himself! His love shines so brightly! It cannot be overshadowed!

  3. What bible verse (quote it) talks about being a light in a dark and lost world?

    “The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.” – Matthew 4:16 KJV

  4. What Christian song do you know that has the word “light” in it? Provide a link if available.

    A Light Still Shines was the first thing You brought to my mind as soon as I read those words Light of the World. You reminded me of when You used singing A Light Still Shines in a Christmas Cantata at church to get me through one of the most horrendous heartbreaks I have experienced. I cried every time we sang it! I praise Your Holy Name for Your music and Your people! I’ll always cherish the Light You shone into my darkness then, and that You shine into any darkness that appears!

It is hard to find this song as a single.
I will post the lyrics below the video.

A light still shines. It will always glow
In the hearts and minds of the wise who know
That a King has come and His life defines
What His love has won. A light still shines.


Lovely A of Discovering Your Happiness is always trying to bring a ray of Your light into the lives of others. You led me to do her 21 Day Self Care Challenge at a time that my doctors and therapists were emphasizing self care needs in my own life. I use to blow that off as ungodly, thinking it was selfish and self centered. You opened my eyes and my mind to trust You in trusting the doctors You gave me. You not only used her to teach me how vital self care is to the vessel You gave me, but You blessed me with a dear friend for life… a sister in Christ… my Croatian-Australian Sister… Lovely Anita! ❤

Hayley of Red Letters has the loveliest voice that You have gifted her with. It beautifully compliments her love for sharing You with others. You led me to a song of hers that is still my favorite to this day… Know You.

I can sit and listen again and again (and I do)! Thank You for my Brummie Sister Hayley… my Brummie family! Our family loves being able to say hello to and pray for the whole family! Thank You for the gift she is to me! ❤

Lene (aka LeneinJapan) of Song of Virginity shines a light on celebrating and encouraging those choosing Christ first through abstinence, and she does it with a loving and nonjudgmental heart. I was delightfully surprised when You had her invite me to write my testimony on her God honoring blog. But I trusted prayed and trusted You as I did so with Love of My Life – I am His Song.  I’ll always be grateful just as much for the friend You have given me in my American- Japanese Sister in Christ… beautiful Lene! She also has her other site… Wrestling with Faith – Dancing with Jesus. A place to find blessing and inspiration, and her testimony. ❤

Arnya of Walking With The Way is one of the dearest and passionate young ladies I know that You have introduced me to on WordPress. I constantly have to remind myself that she is just 14! The wisdom You give her through the Your Word as she shares it faithfully shines through each post. Just recently I was encouraged by her post A Verse for Anyone Struggling. It was Your encouragement for someone with anxiety… like me! 🙂 Thank You for my young sister in Christ… sweet Arnya! I am so grateful You make us family! ❤

Margaret of The Word shines a light on Your Word every day! She literally posts verses from Your Bible all the time! What better way to share You than to share the very Words You lived and left us!  She also shares some poetry like Is It? and loves sharing Your encouragement with as many as You will allow her. She emphasizes to others the benefits of reading Your Word for themselves because she wants everyone to know that pure joy personally. Thank You so much for my sister in Christ… dearest Margaret! ❤

Karen (aka KJ Smith) of A Couple of Stars and a Happy Face shines Your love through a smile each day for those You allow her to be seen by on her blog. Her recent post He Restores My Soul touches on one of my favorite passages to think on… Psalm 23… because that particular thought alone makes me dreamy and lost with joy in You! You make me to lie down in green pastures…. *sigh*… beside those still waters *sigh*… where You restore my soul… *SIGH*! Oh I so need that place to be lost in… so often! I love You for putting that in Your Word! And in my heart! ❤ Thank you for putting my smiling Sister in Christ… Happy Face Karen… in my life! ❤

Shae of Teen, Meet God is another young lady who You have blessed me in knowing who is constantly shining Your light through verses, music, notes from her Sundays in church, and the beautiful thing You are doing with her through the gift of dance! Her recent post Stories of the Bible – Manoah’s Wife especially touched me as Manoah’s Wife was also given a son by You and a personal one on one message on how to raise Him just as You allowed me the same gift in my son! What a light You shed on our way! Thank You for my dancing Sister in Christ from Illinois… bright Shae! ❤

Also nominated are so many others who simply love to shine Your light to others! Whether boldly or softly, PLEASE make them feel encouraged enough to accept and to keep sharing the nomination with others! I went to the beginning of the list under Followers and used the first seven names You gave me!

Congrats to all of the nominees! Me and God love you!

Thank You, Light of the World, for shining Your personal light into my life, into this blog, and into every place You allow me to receive it and give it! May this blog always be Yours, and continue to shine YOU! 🙂
❤ I love You! ❤

24 thoughts on “Light of the World Award 5.25.18

  1. Isn’t it amazing? Today at church, one of the teenagers preached the sermon, as it is children’s day. She talked about how as Christians we are light, but for our light to shine brighter, we must be united, using the theory of light in physics to explain her point: you know how lasers are strong and shine very far because it’s concentrated light. I was amazed at her analogy and it really brought it home for me. It makes me think of the believers of the WordPress community, how we shine our light of love of God around us.

    Yes, you are a light, Gail! Keep shining for God who loves you ever so dearly 💕💕💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glory to God! That sounds like a powerful message in those few words! Wow! Praise God for our young people who are carrying His torch! And for WordPress! I was thinking of you too, hoping you would know you are part of that last nomination! My do you shine so bright for Him! ❤
      Thank you for such kind words, and all of your love and support! Me and God love you, Alethea!


      1. Yes it was. I was super excited about it. Gave me hope.

        Thanks Gail. Thanks for thinking of me. I pray our lights all combine to light up this community with God’s love that soon all of WordPress would know He reigns! 💞

        Liked by 1 person

    1. PTL! I am grateful for any crowns to lay at His feet… not just to collect them… but to give them to their rightful owner! 🙂 If I make Him smile even once! ❤ Thank you for your kindness! God loves you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Light of the World Award – The Word

    1. Praise God indeed! Anything you see, it’s all Him graciously shining His loving light. I am so grateful for the opportunity He gave me to share! ❤ Thank you for the prayer! One of the greatest gifts we can share with each other! I thank God for you! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. KJ Smith

    Thank you, Gail, for thinking of me and for the sweet words you wrote about me. Once again, God has used you to be a blessing and encouragement in my life. There is no doubt that God’s light and love is shining through you. Keep shining!!

    Liked by 1 person

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